What is Process planning?

                                   The process planning is the way of managing and controlling manufacturing processes and sequences of operations for producing the finished part which is specified by the design engineering.
                                          Traditionally, process planning is created by the process planner who knows all and particular methods for completing the task or operations in the machine shop. The process planning is depending upon the engineer’s knowledge, skill, and experience and this is the base of process planning to develop the proper and logical sequence to require to make finished products.


Process Planning
Scheduling and Production Control
Machine Tool


What is the Process planning Sheet?

                                                  Process planning is an initial step before manufacturing, where it considers the production cycle from start to end with a sequence of operations. The process planning sheet is very important for each machine shop, where it is manufacturing different types of product by using raw materials, different types of machines [conventional and CNC machines].
                                      There are two types of planning sheet first is Rout sheet and second is an operation sheet.

A] Route Sheet:

                           1} In this sheet gives information about part moving in batches.
                           2} Information to the material handlers to help them in moving the materials.
                           3} Complete the product from start to end means to start from the raw material and end to the finish product.
                           4} And the finish product or assembly moved to the shipping departments.

B] Operation Sheet:

                                        This the sheet is the same as rout sheet, the only difference is the route sheet give the information about sequences of operation with all resources and in operation sheet, the information about particular operation and resources according to the operations.

Example of Process Planning Sheet:

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